
PostSnowden is an new community communication project where people send in anonymous letters for whistleblowers using (postsnowden@ email or gmail) or commenting with an imgur link.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

About this blog

PostSnowden is an new community communication project.  where people send in anonymous letters for whistleblowers using email (postsnowden@ email or gmail) or imgur.

The first goal is to provide a public location where we can leave messages for Snowden in his new home.

The second is to keep up the dialogue and not let ourselves forget about Snowden's warnings as quickly as mainstream media might like.

Finally why stop at Snowden?  Leave your favorite whistleblower a message here.  Let's remind them that we appreciate what they've done and the important role they've taken on.

So, PostSnowden is a new community communication project for Edward Snowden (and the rest of us) to view online as people post their messages for anonymously to imgur.com, on Reddit, via postsnowden at gmail.

I wish I could tell you to mail a homemade postcard, but I don't have a good address for receiving postcards yet. So, you should probably scan the postcard put it on imgur.

To leave a message on imgur, please provide the link via comment or email.

And - to everyone out there - whistleblowers or otherwise - Happy Holidays :)

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