
PostSnowden is an new community communication project where people send in anonymous letters for whistleblowers using (postsnowden@ email or gmail) or commenting with an imgur link.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Avaaz - Send Snowden Home - citizen driven asylum claim

Support Asylum Claim for Edward Snowden

"Edward Snowden left his whole life behind when he revealed that spies are stalking us all across the internet. Now, alone and forgotten, he’s stuck in the middle of the Russian winter. But we have a chance to rescue him and give him a warm welcome in Brazil.

Time is running out on Edward’s one-year visa. Sharks are circling to drag him back to the US where he is unlikely to face a fair trial, but Brazil’s president Dilma offers a warm ray of hope. She hates mega spy programme PRISM, has already stood up to Obama and is working to safeguard her people from spying. Dilma likely wants to support Snowden, but she's up against steep US pressure and fear from within her own party.

We have the power to help Dilma do the right thing. To buy time, Brazil has asked for a formal application from Edward -- something he can't do right now without threatening his status in Russia. But we can apply for him! For every Avaaz member who signs this petition, we’ll deliver a citizen affidavit of support directly to the Federal Police and the Ministry of Justice in Brazil — creating the biggest citizen driven asylum claim ever. Sign now, and be part of history."

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Dear Snowden,

Merry Christmas to you in Russia.  We hope you've been well and safe.  We're sorry for the many things and people you've had to leave in order to uphold your sense of integrity and speak out for privacy rights of people and countries around the world.  We hope that you're finding a community in Russia with whom to enjoy the holiday season, and that news from the rest of the world - like this website - will reach you and remind you that there are people around the world who support you and are grateful that you made the choices you did.  Our best thoughts are with you.  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Early Christmas Gift

Headlines announce judge ruling against the actions of the NSA.
I hope this vindication brings Snowden some Christmas cheer!

About this blog

PostSnowden is an new community communication project.  where people send in anonymous letters for whistleblowers using email (postsnowden@ email or gmail) or imgur.

The first goal is to provide a public location where we can leave messages for Snowden in his new home.

The second is to keep up the dialogue and not let ourselves forget about Snowden's warnings as quickly as mainstream media might like.

Finally why stop at Snowden?  Leave your favorite whistleblower a message here.  Let's remind them that we appreciate what they've done and the important role they've taken on.

So, PostSnowden is a new community communication project for Edward Snowden (and the rest of us) to view online as people post their messages for anonymously to imgur.com, on Reddit, via postsnowden at gmail.

I wish I could tell you to mail a homemade postcard, but I don't have a good address for receiving postcards yet. So, you should probably scan the postcard put it on imgur.

To leave a message on imgur, please provide the link via comment or email.

And - to everyone out there - whistleblowers or otherwise - Happy Holidays :)